Temporary closure due to spam for Twentyfour hours 8 May Written By Lian Renaud Temp closure twenty four hoursWARNINGDo not upvote spam Do not block,blocking is a two way ticket to a spammer.Either ignore spam or report by pressing three dots to disqusStay safe!Apologies.Lian Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Lian Renaud
Temporary closure due to spam for Twentyfour hours 8 May Written By Lian Renaud Temp closure twenty four hoursWARNINGDo not upvote spam Do not block,blocking is a two way ticket to a spammer.Either ignore spam or report by pressing three dots to disqusStay safe!Apologies.Lian Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Lian Renaud