Love Letters Straight From the Heart

 Love letters ( Global).

Have we lost the art of letter writing?Have many lost the art of reading books?Has the internet killed ral Has reading books died as a pass time?I overheard a conversation between two teens.Lock down killed my enthusiasm for browsing in shops and also quite a bit on spending, except on food an more essentials.

I read a lot(I thought that’s great)the other replied…Yes so do I!I thought wow thats really good!

Yes, I spend a lot of time on eBay and Amazon…Oooops my heart  dropped instantly.

I once met Simon Paul Sutton,I walked into a coffee bar with a friend.About twenty people were writing love letters.There were colored pens and paper on every table.Would I like to write a love letter?

Simon had been into drugs and jail,transformed his life,became an actor.

Not quite like Metamorphasis by Franz Kaffka,where a man wakes up having transformed into a beetle but a transformation, never the less.

I drew cards and cut out shapes.One was a long dachshound… we were writing anonymous Love Letters.these were to be posted outside people houses to cheer people up.My message on the sausage dog was..This is a long tail/ tale….

The idea was to place letters where people would find them to brighten their day,to watch from afar at the reaction.Messages were…I have seen you ,and admired you from afar you are amazing.

Simon Paul Suton grew up on a council estate, a one parent family.Simon later had an abusive stepfather.The area was tough and rough.simon quickly fell in with the wrong crowd taking drugs,smoking dope, stealing,belonged to a gang and became a professional burglar.A police raid on his house found drugs,arrested Simom and a prison sentence issued.Simon decided to change career and become an actor.

The lamdlords prized  pot plant where Simon hid his dope withered in front of the policemans eyes during the police raid,LOL.

Eventually he became a successful filmstar,but found it a shallow world,full of ego and pretense..

Then came a transformation to author,interviewer of people from all walks of society,traveling the world.

His interviews of musicians,writers,truth seekers became an inspiration during and after lock down.

One was a musician named DarPan living in Byron bay Australia,life durin lockdow didnt change much,he soent more time on the beach with his family,but his thoughts changed to people in cities in isolation.He decided to write more music and 1000 musicians went live to audiences on an 18 hour internet session.

Simon is on the left in the photo.

So…a love letter …

To all my friends here…you are all amazing!

Please post memes,gifs,trailers,videos,music to inspire and encourage others.The theme is to inpire,or about  books you enjoy,people who you admire,musicians or artists you like.

Remember please we do not discuss politics or religion here.




Stars Fall from the Sky


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