What do you want most in life?LOVE,RICHES.HAPPINESS,PEACE,HEALTH?

 What is your choice?Love,Riches,Happiness,Peace,Health.Does the choice depend on age,geographical location,luck,good fortune?or circumstance?I have always believed we create our good, or bad fortune to some extent.two stories from two different people,the first is of an elderly lady I know, the second is about an alternative heath specialist that I follow.

Elsie was a church member who often baby sat two little boysq, that I looked after.One evening she was reading bedtime stories when she heard a window smash downstairs,she heard someone downstairs.She hid the two boys in two seperate cupboards and went down stairs.There was a burglar in the house.Elsie greeted the burglar warmly.Would you like a cup of tea? he agreed.When the police arrived he and Elsie were sitting in the kitchen drinking tea,when ghe police arrived and arrested him,How plucky was that.The younger boy had problems sleeping after that so I sat with him every night till he went to sleep.That could hae gon disastrously wrong,she didnt panic but used communication skills.

The second story is about Doctor Mark Hyman,his sister died and he went through a divorce.Mark Hyman set out on a pilgrimage to a monastery in Bhutan,unadorned,as no-one,with nothing,seeking inner happiness.His belief was that the cultivation of happiness is that every moment in life should be valued as life is precious.To awaken to appreciate every moment is one of lifes greatest achievements.His journey with his daughter started in Paro with his daughter with very little except a guide,provisions and sleeping bags in 2012.paro is nested at 7000 ft.he started to dream of reconnecting wiyh loved oned passed,waking up on cold bitter mornings.Everythingwas unfamiliar as he and his daughger set off to the sacred godess mountain to Jomolhaedi the roof top of the world.the journey was not pleasant,and caused him to confront his fears and limits of the body.He was struck with how little people owned and on his return to America sent blankets to alliviate cold and hardship to many.They walked and walked past villages,where roads,and electricity were still absent in many parts of the country.Time stretched like a vast ocean.Living in poverty the Bhutanese were gracious,kind and generous,and imbued with knowledge of  the impermanence of life and its cycles,of life death and rebirth.on his return to the States Mark Hyman became well known for alternative medicine,finding the root cause of illnesses and natural treatments with great success,

Share any experiences you have had,music,trailers memes of gifs on what you may find important in life,concerning your aims and what you believe to be important,be it love,moneyhappiness or health.

Please no religious comments or politics.


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