Was School An Education For Life?

I certainly left school reasonably uneducated! On my first day at school, I was bullied by older kids…so I cried.
How was your first school day memory?

In my early teens, I had the good fortune to move into the family home of a film director. I was given the job of cooking the evening meal for the family and went to college from their home. I also took an evening job to fund myself.
I went through uni and qualified to teach.

I had had had a conventional state education, which really did not suffice for a work environment.
Previous to living with the rich family, I could see that my education had been pretty poor, with huge gaps. Family meal times gave me an education! The arts and politics were readily discussed.
There were three teens living in the house from thirteen to sixteen. I was a little jealous of their education, they had attended an experimental school called Summerhill.

Summerhill was founded by AS Neil. It sounded like heaven to me. Children did not need to attend lessons. They could play, or join any level they wished or subject. The children made the rules and meted out any punishment. One girl avoided lessons for two years. Of the three friends, one became a first violinist, one bought a farm growing exotic vegetables, and the third married a pop star and became a film director.

The only rule made by an adult at Summerhill was not to walk on the grand piano.

What type of education did you have? Was your education useful or did life experience educate you? Did you ever change your career path after your education? Did your education prepare you sufficiently for life?

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall

Cat Stevens - Remember The Days Of The Old School Yard

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Have fun

Lian and Kieran.


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