Ice, Wind, Rain, And Cold, And Weather Extremes

The weather had been nothing but extreme in the last year. Many of us have had bad storms, endless rain, snow, or extreme heat. It has been unpredictable and difficult to keep warm, or to cool down.

What was your experience like last summer?

How do you heat your home or keep it cool in the summer? Do you find it expensive to run?

Heating systems, warm the house, keep cool. Our interest has often veered to the weather, almost on a daily basis.
I took out a coat I hadn’t worn for years this morning and bought a soft, velvety blanket, sewn with two sides together for under a goose-down duvet, so I’m in heaven on cold nights and have a nice warm coat and mittens. The shop that sold me the mittens would insist they are fingerless gloves!!!

Our houses here are built for heat, but we had six weeks at 48 centigrade in July and August. The hottest temperature ever recorded. People slept in the airport and were advised to go to government buildings to keep cool.

I really need to install air conditioning and have just found a new electrician, but we will have to run new cables over the house as I have two buildings.

It’s extremely cold at the moment.
I wish I had a fireplace with a nice warm fire to snuggle around this winter!

Many of you have had floods, and the bad weather continues unabated.

Are these extremes the new norm?

We’ve all experienced these extremes in the last year. What has your experience been?

Have your animals enjoyed the snow, rain, heat, or been afraid of storms?

So post memes, gifs, music, images of your weather, and solutions to being comfortable, and chat with friends.
Remember, no politics or religion here, please.
Most of all, enjoy.

Lian and Kieran.


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