Stop The World I Want To Get Off

I love my blue planet, and the wonders it presents.
Respect our world!

The more I see of some people, tiddly pom, the more crazy I consider some are, tiddly pom.

Seriously…Is there an identity crisis? And why?

Personally, I would not like to date a man that dresses like this.

Neither would I invite him into my home, he might jump onto my fur-niture.🤣🤣🤣
How would you converse…Get down boy! Would you like a bone? Woof woof.
Have a choccy drop. And don’t clog the sink with fur please.

A present…for me?

Or how about someone who eats grass?

A real Hillbilly.
Originally from London

When washing garments, remove your child.

You may kiss the er…..Bride.

We all love books here, reading is an education…a place to relax or a world of dreams and imagination.

What is your favorite author/book/movie?

The Script - Crazy World (Live from Dublin) (Lyric Video) ft. Christy Dignam

Arctic Monkeys - Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You

Napoleon XIV - They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Haaa! (1966)

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30

Post memes, gifs, trailers, and music and chat with friends.
Remember, steer away from politics or religion.

Lian and Kieran




Save All Your Kisses For Me