Splash & Fun

I love the beach and the sea. Swimming in calm, clear blue sea is great in the summer heat.

I like small boats too. My stepfather had an old life boat called Kingfisher. It was 30 ft in length. I slept there whenever I could with the back open, watching coots, swans and ducks swimming past and honking. My job was to pump the bilges.

I just love water, but not torrential rain, although the odd storm can be exciting.
Do you go to the beach in the summer or own a boat?
Have you been on a cruise, or traveled in a small boat?

I often travelled by boat in Turkey, by ship to Izmir from Istanbul, by ferry crisscrossing the Bospherous, or staying on yachts and rowing ashore for raki, a Turkish drink for the crew, being the only one who didn’t drink. They were astounded a lassie could row and tie a boat. We found isolated coves and swam there…heaven!

I also like to laze in a warm bath tub, to relax, tho lately I’ve taken to showering, especially several times a day in the summer heat, if its like last summer.

As a child, I loved clambering over rocks, picking winkles to cook for dinner… I never ate them.
In Australia, I played with sting rays, dropping clams into the sea. The Sting rays would flip their wings, so the shell opened, and they eat them in a flash.

In Australia, I was waiting for good-looking lifeguards to swab sunscreen on me, but they were all old and wrinkly, not like in the adverts, tall, suntanned and handsome.
We have a lot of beaches here, but mainly rocky. Daredevils dive into deep seas in dangerous places.

What type of holidays do you like? By the sea, in the cities, sight seeing, countryside, or another type of activity?

Remember, no politics or religion.
Post memes, gifs, videos, music, chat with friends! Most of all, enjoy.
Lian and Kieran


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