Our Brave New World…Please Enter Your Pin

We love animals!!!! We also believe in humanity!!!!! The dignity of life!!!!!

Has technology crossed a line?

We can now choose to be Cyberborgs with a microchip, and the great reward is…
Wait for it…Wowee
Instant access to Wikipedia and superintelligence.

The blind will be able to see, the deaf hear, and the disabled regain movement.
We are promised such great rewards!

Watch Elon Musk’s neuralink monkey play video games with his brain.

We were born to be free, to enjoy our lives, be at one with nature, and also to enjoy freedoms.
Animals and people were not born to be subordinate to the whim for power or control. Life is becoming more challenging and complex with certain technologies.


Then there was the movie of Elsa the lioness, the work of many who save animals, set them free in their own domains, touch our hearts.

Wounda’s Journey

And yet, the flipside of the coin is a different story.

Pager the first monkey to have a brain implant died, as did ten others experimented on.

Well, there are love songs for good robots. And wonderful music depicting beautiful animals, birds in flight, movies like Born Free, Christian the lion.

Love Songs For Robots

Let’s post uplifting gifs, memes, videos, music of pets or animals, chat and enjoy our time.
Remember, respect other commenters, please no deep politics or religious comments.

Lian and Kieran


Valentine’s Day Is On Its Way..(alphabetical order)


Splash & Fun