Mirror, Mirror

I have always had a fascination for beautiful mirrors. My most successful artwork was women looking into mirrors, and reflections.

Copywrite: LIAN
Mezzotint deep bite etching
Entitled: Mirror Image
Hand inked.
And printed.

We all use mirrors, especially in the mornings and before going out.

Mirrors reflect light, and often our moods.

I also have mirrors in my garden.

There are many stories of ghosts moving in mirrors, or seeing the past in mirrors too.

We can signal across the horizon with mirrors that could save our lives.

We use them for driving too.

There are stories about mirrors…break one 7 years bad luck will ensue,

There are also interesting songs and movies about reflections, and a photograph or screenshot can be a mirror image.

How many mirrors do you have in your house? Which rooms do you have mirrors in?

One present I had as a child was a kaleidoscope, just whiled away hours seeing how it changed.

Shop windows can be good mirrors too.

There are countless tales and stories of magic mirrors…Alice through the looking glass.
The step mother in Snow White.

Best and Worst Mirror Scenes — Horror Movie Tropes Explained

Justin Timberlake - Mirrors

Cleo from 5 to 7 / Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962)

The theme is mirrors and reflections, remember no politics and religion here.

Chat with friends, and find memes, gifs, songs and trailers of interest, perhaps stories too.

Most of all enjoy!

Lian and Kieran


Save All Your Kisses For Me


Our Earth, What A Wonderful World