Planes and Boats and trains.
Planes and Boats and Trains
Why don't you go away?
Where to?
What is your favorite mode of transport?
Do you prefer modern or vintage transport?
Do you like camper vans?Caravans?Yachts? Boats?
Long train journey can be fraught or tiring! I once traveled the Orient Express route.
The train arrived four days late in Istanbul.My friend camped in the station waiting.
Istanbul has trams and ferries..I love both:Water taxis in Venice and traveling the canals.
Venice is for romance.
I love trams.I love small yachts,not large super yachts,houseboats,narrow boats,and vintage cars.
Modern planes get you from A to B,long flights and airports are tedious.I would love o fly in a small old open plane.
Travel can be exciting,the destination can make the journey worth while.
I loved the old flying machines.
Give me a Morgan any day.I gave up motorbikes,but theres nothing like the freedom of an empty road!
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