Up,Down,In,Out,Round about,spiralling.

 Up,Down,In,Out,Round about,Spiraling all lead somewhere.

Some are grand,can be beautiful,made of stone,wood,aluminium,glass,clouds,many materials.

Some are boring,some are dark some are light,some are flights,some creative,some are dangerous.

Some are different colors.Hogwarts had over a hundred.Some move some are static.Last week ai fell down one,hurt my foot.


The last image is where I had an exhibition.people stood on the grand staircase,for the opening speech.

The harbor entrance by the sea  was bombed,and my painting is of it. I imagined it as a stairway to heaven.

I sat in the freezing winter cold until a huge wave went over me,nearly sweeping me into a dark angry sea

So,post memes.paintings,songs, movies or trailers,buildings,castles featuring stairways,or words describing them like spiraling,or the materials they are made of.

Remember please respect commenters,no religious comments or politics here.

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Christmas is here


Beautiful places in our memories.Place you memories here.