Christmas is here

 Christmas is here

It’s time to celebrate, and wish all our friends good cheer.

You my post good wishes here.

And wonder at the Christmas lights.

Watch animals reaction to Christmas decorations,and their antics.

And take part in festivities.

i wish you all a Happy Christmas…New friends and old!

All are like gold.

Enjoy friends and family,eat drink and be merry!

Sing carols and enjoy snow.

A time to:Remember those less fortunate.

(Remember: no political comments),most of all respect other commenters,please).Personal wishes and creativity appreciated.

Post: Memes,gifs,Christmas music,trailers,music,Good wishes to friends,wishing you a Happy Christmas,and a Time to forget the troubles of the world.Enjoy famiky friends celebrations.

Remember the meaning of Christmas,a time for friends and peace,as well as celebrations,a time to give.

May next year bring happiness to all.

Enjoy… Lian


Youve got me singing the Blues


Up,Down,In,Out,Round about,spiralling.