You are the Cats Pajamas.

 You are the Cat’s Pajamas.

An expression that came about in the 1920s,a famous cartoonist,of comics apparently coined this expression.It was used by ‘Flappers’.

There is another idea that a famous designer EB Katz made silk Pajamas for royalty.and famous the 1700s and early 1800s

You are the Cats whiskers!A compliment,far from the original Cats Whiskers,the first radio made of chrystal with wires touching the chrystal and going to the ear of the listener.Six people could listen at one time.

Used during WW1.My grandmother used to tell me about the Cats whisker radio,as the family listened to the news.

I remember saving my pocket money to buy a red colored radio as a child,a prized possession,

How times have changed.

We had records of various sizes,then tape recorders.CDs became the rage.Now it’s Ipods,computers or IPads.

You are the Apple of my eye.

Probably goes back to Eve and the temptation to pick the apple in the garden of Eden.

Again a compliment or declaration of love.

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