
Starlight becomes you 

The vastness of the universe beckons.What an adventure the journey would be,into darkness lit by stars,strange planets,blackholes,quasers,great storms and unknown wonders.

Our nearest star is the sun.

There are a few visible planets from earth at the moment,Venus,Mars,JupitermSaturn,Uranus,and Neptune.

There are also showers of shooting stars, so make a wish.The southern skies from  the vast plains of Australia were so clear,alight with shimmering  stars.

Do the planets and stars govern our future,many believe so?Are our fortunes fortold by the stars and the position of the planets at our time of birth?Do aliens exist?

Unless we journey into the universe,our questions may remain unanswered,it’s a journey I would love to make,would you?

The theme is stars moons,planets in imagery of memes,gifs,movies,recommended books,

Please respect other commenters,remember no religious,comments or politics,

Most ofmall enjoy.


Is life so ‘Black and White?’


You are the Cats Pajamas.