Life is a Beach.

Life is a Beach.

The song that changed our beach wear and fashion.

It was an Itsywitsy teeny weeny yellow polkadot bikini

What have they done to our song ma?

It used to be fun Dad and old Mum traveling down Southend
But now it aint done!

Our world is in momentum of change.Has CV 19 changed everything?

Will we munch hotdogs,eat sticky candy floss,burgers this year?...
Wear funny hats,T shirts?Make sandcastles?fish in rockpools!watch sea life,pick up shells.

Sometimes just a kiss can change this world!dont forget to wear your snorkel and mask to social distance this year.

(Post pix of:swimwear,sun sea and NO sex or vulgarity),No politics and religious comments please.
Memes songs music,gifs.
Respect other posters.

Most of all enjoy,enjoy,enjoy!

Life is/ was a beach,and famous kisses.A place of fun amd fashion


You may lick the bride


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