That ‘Ole’ Black Magic....Halloween Special.

The Sixties...A Renaissance

A Renaissance in Music,Writers,,Fashion; An awakening of Optimism.

Hidden agendas were masked by the optimism,music and the affluence of the sixties.

Money was easy,POP Stars vied with each other,buying Beautiful homes,or Stately Homes.
Their grand estates were in the countryside,Town Houses,acres of land.

Unknown to many music was based on the Black Arts,Drugs,Sex and Rock and Roll.
Stories that we loved and cherished innocently through child hood suddenly became sinister in undertone?!

no-one just no-one will take my love away from my childhood memories of:
Winnie the Pooh,
Little Black Sambo.
’Dunctonwood’ became a war between Good and evil.Golliwog badges were no longer acceptable.

Brian Jones of The Stones bought Crotchford Farm in Sussex,England.That was the original,’House at Pooh Corner’,in a small Sussex Village.The house had belonged to AA Milne,author of Winnie the Pooh.

Jimmy Page bought a house in Scotland that had belonged to Alistair Crowley,the house had a series of  unusual and sinister events,spontaneous fires.

Not to be out done Mick Jagger bought a huge stately home,The Beatles also bought large estates and houses as did other pop stars.

Brian Jones met Anita Pallenberg,model actress,fashion designer,she rolled with the Warhol Art movement,started with Brian Jones,left home for Micky Jagger,and left him for Keith Richards.
It was Anita that influenced The Stones wild fashions and black magic undertones in their music.
The occult played a huge role in purple Harem and the Stones music.

Alistair Crowley was classified as the most evil man in Britain,and AA Milne also practiced the black arts in fact the village in Sussex where Crotchford Farm was had a circle of Black magicians which AA Milne belonged to.Brian Jones felt Crotchford Farm was cursed,and he died in his swimming pool sure that he had been cursed by Voodoo when he was in Morocco.
The reason for his drowning is a mystery to this day.


The Dog n Bone


Blue Faces all round.