Blue Faces all round.

Kool Knights

Blue Faces.


A Journey from Reading to Cardigan.
Kool Knights.

Of course Lord Cardigan from Wales invented Cardigans,just as the Earl of Sandwich
invented sandwiches.

The train was delayed for four hours on Reading station.waiting was BORING!

A fearsome guy was knocking back Drambuie.

Join me...........Nothing else to do so I knocked back the Coca-Cola to celebrate his birthday.
He looked a bit intimidating,he turned out to be a Commander of Knights,his name was....

Commander Gobshite.

On the train there were lots of blue faces,that was his army from Cardiff in Wales.
We arrived at Cardiff at 4 am,and I slept on his sofa,waking up to bacon and eggs in the morning.

Next day traveled to Cardigan to stay in my friends cottage on the Cardigan estuary,that was the view from my bedroom window,and the castle on the other side of the river.

The Real Knights.Hot Knights.

Malt is a hot country.

A small island in the Mediterranean.

Built by a French Knight La Valletta.born:1494.He joined the order of St John of Jerusalem.

Was captured by the Ottoman Turks and rowed the gallies as a slave.
Few survived more than two years,but LA Vallette was six ft tall and very strong.
Some say he escaped and others that he was an exchanged prisoner.

He became the Grand Master of Malta and fought the corsairs in the sea around Malta.
The siege of Malta was1565.500 Knights fought 40,000 Turkish invaders.Finally
When only 19 knights were left defending the Turks left,never to return.

Vallette designed a new fortified city ro defend against warfare,but war changed its fighting techniques.

The heritage of La Vallette was a city of architectural beauty,a city built for gentlemen for gentlemen.

The order of the Knights of St John exists till this day.

The knights

Photos include:Welsh Knights and Knights of Malta.

Cardigan and the island of Malta.

attended the sick.The knights were hospitaliers.

 Valletta was designed as a fortification....a city for gentlemen,the first modern city in the world.

He left a beautiful architectural city,and the heritage of a grand history and the Knights of Malta,an organization that exists today.


That ‘Ole’ Black Magic....Halloween Special.


The sky is why I've always came back to Oklahoma