Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

I Am Sailing

My Stepfather had an old lifeboat named Kingfisher. I loved that boat, but he sold it. I used to go at weekends to stay aboard to pump out the bilges. Mainly to get me out of the house, but it was freedom, and I loved it.
I used to open the back of the boat and watch the ducks, coots, moorhens, and swans swim past. The rocking sensation was inducing to a good night’s sleep.

Boats were my passion, and the sea.

But some boats have funny names. Perhaps you can add some to the discussion.

Thats how my love of boats began.

Later I made a film on the Grand Union canal, a sort of travelogue and true story it was about three guys delivering a barge from Buckby bottom lock N of England to the Regents canal. It appeared on Spanish tv.

A narrow boat typical of a barge on the Grand union.They traveled in pairs,the family lived on one and they transported coal and heavy goods.

The barges were originaly horse drawn,but men were strapped to the side of the boat to walk pushing boats through tunnels,they were called leggers.going up or down hill were flights of locks,one particular hill jad thirty locks against us and I had to run with a lock key to open for the barge.

Find memes, gifs, trailers, anecdotes about boats, music and have fun, and chat!

Respect all commenters, no political or religious comments, please.


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Bring on the Clowns

Are you afraid of clowns?

Should animals be subservient to man or live in their environment?

Are clowns fun, funny or humorous? Certainly preferable to animal entertainment in circuses.

Since when did clowns become scary?

Actually, when I was a child, I went to a few circuses. I never really liked clowns except one who was completely white, Coco. I thought him a little more captivating than the ones that threw buckets of water.

I was more enthralled with the high wire and acrobats. At that time, I didn’t know how some animals were treated, and I loved the horses, tigers, and lions.

Now, I see circuses differently, with no glamour and poor conditions for animals.

Most certainly, I haven’t been for many years, but memories remain of clowns that were mostly unamusing and of horses trotting around with plumes on their heads. And the moustached ringmaster was cracking his whip.

Many circus animals were left to starve in war zones, and I can't imagine the trauma of jumping through a flaming hoop.

In which case bring on the clowns.

Animals should be able to live freely in their environments, which are being encroached upon by man.

What are your memories of circuses and clowns, and animals in circuses? Did you enjoy any circus acts? Or the terrible music?

Post memes, gifs, music, and trailers, enjoy chatting with friends and posting music.
Remember, no politics or religious comments. Respect all commenters.

If you do see porn uvs, please tell Kieran or me, and where they are. Thank you for your co-operation.

Most of all, enjoy!


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Snap, Crackle and Pop, Breakfast Time!

A toast to you, enjoy LFE, chat with friends, or breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Is the sound of milk on crisp breakfast cereal.

Snap has many connotations.

Cereal or toast? Coffee or tea? My breakfast is usually toast with Brie, strawberries when in season, or white grapes or honeydew melon, love fruit, especially blackberries or mulberries. Actually, no tea coffee or champagne, only cool water.

Would be nice next to a crackling fire, in the winter, and to breakfast.

Perhaps the pop of a champagne cork if celebrating. (just kidding).

What’s your favorite breakfast? Is it an English Breakfast, egg, bacon, sausage, beans, tomatoes, toast and marmalade? Kippers…ugh!

The theme is examples of snap, crackle and pop, breakfast. Post memes gifs, music, trailers.

Remember, No politics, No religious comments. Most of all, enjoy!


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Reflect over coffee

Are artists misunderstood?

Why are there so few women artists?

Portrait of Georgia O Keene

Made her name as a feminist artist.making flowers look like female parts.

Do you buy art?

Who is your favorite artist/ musician?

I would put Marilyn on a wall but not a soup can.

Better still a Salvador Dali dream.

Do you like abstract or figurative work?

Post memes, gifs, your favorite musicians, artists, and pictures on your walls. Remember, no politics or religion, and respect all commenters.



And remember Red in your thoughts, wishing him support. Red appreciated all good wishes and prayers sent to him and thanks everyone. It meant a lot to him that you all cared.

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