Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Sssh The sound of silence and other sounds of music

What is your favorite instrument?

Being born a townie, I remember the first time I heard silence, it hurt my ears, I was deep in the countryside, it rang in my ears. Also, at night alone on the moors in pitch blackness that enveloped me, scary…

Listen to the sea

I live in a town again, not my real choice after the space in Australia, bush, and beaches.

At the moment, we are enduring road building, construction all around.I think Im the only person feeding the birds here, they wake me up chirping for plum cake every morning.

They boldly fly into my room, onto my chandeliers, bedside table and are extremely inquisitive. I love the chirping of my wild sparrows.,vid:M2urR_Y1ahM

My favorite sound is being woken by the bush in Australia, that's heaven for me.

There are two places I know of where birds don't sing. One is Auschwitz the other, is ‘The silent city of Mdina’, there is nothing for birds to eat there, in that part of the Mediterranean, cities were built without gardens. Animals lived in the ground floor of the house, and every house by law had to have a well. Its a small island built on a rock.

Also the voices of people I know can bring happiness. Favorite music too, and my friends on LFE.

The first image is my mill room,

And then….

The silent city


I love the sounds of the sea, and singing whales.






In Italy I used to hear crickets, I used to hear them here too, but not since ruthless construction started.

If I am in the front of the house, its a cacophony of redirected cars, lorries delivering goods and neighbours gossiping. My home, however, is in two parts, a townhouse and an old mill, hundreds of years old with three-foot walls filled with earth and somewhat soundproof to those around me. It's a hundred square meters and I live mostly in that room, and in the garden come summer. I could be a million miles from my noisy town, 

which, apart from locals, has been devoid of crowds since covid and roadworks, businesses closed down and could not struggle on.

Everyone on LFE  loves the sound of the blues, and wild music, and chat…

So post your favorite sounds, discuss sounds you may like or dislike, of course, post your favorite music, memes gifs, trailers, and observations. Chat with friends.

Most of all enjoy and respect others.


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Moonlight Becomes You

The moon influences Earth and impacts our life in three ways: tides, time and light.

Many animals, especially birds, use the phases of the moon for navigation.

If the moon were to disappear, the consequences would be devastating to Earth's time, seasons, and all life forms. Our rotation around the sun would be destabilised.

The moon phases govern farming and planting, and the tides the sea life, especially the birth of many sea animals like turtles. Life forms could change totally.

The moon represents our spirituality, and the female being the shadow of the sun.

A new moon represents new beginnings and a full moon, prosperity.

Turn your money over when you see a new moon.

Red moons and blue moons in the sky bring bad weather and omens for our earth.

When the moon is full, there are more traffic accidents and dangerous driving from the lunatics on our roads.

The moon also signifies romance….Moonlight becomes you. It is a time for romance.

Let's hear the music and dance.

Post memes, gifs, music, trailers, stories on the moon, moonlight, romance, chat to friends, and dance in the moonlight. Leave your worries behind.

Respect all who comment here…no politics or religion, please.

Most of all, enjoy 


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

A life journey written by Music,(Apotheosis)

(Music to Easy Rider)

A friend of mine who recently died wrote a play called Apotheosis'.

Music dictated the 10 scenes in the play. The idea that music could suggest scenes in a play isn't a new idea. Arthur Miller was the first to set a play with music. Death of a Salesman, the music spoke, and Arthur Miller wrote.

Austin Wintery wrote the music Apotheosis about a journey. The  idea of a play came to my friend at one of his famous dinner parties. However, the birth of the play was born at a Thanksgiving dinner party, after too much Jack Daniels, too much food and too much wine.

One of his charismatic guests had an outburst about his country, a small island where men ride roughshod through the countryside with shotguns ruling the political scene. Few women are in good jobs as it is the woman's vocation to stay at home. Even fewer in politics.

Le Bon Heur went through life as Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter playing classical music, and the role of women unfolded into seasons. 

It is the power of stories that keeps us asking questions, learning, and relaying history and parables. It is the power of music that sometimes questions society. Yet we never appear to learn.

I was surprised that my friend was sensitive to the suffering of women and those manipulated by the rich and powerful into poverty and homelessness. I only met him briefly before my loss. However in researching his ideas, I came across new and old friends and acquaintances I thought lost. As I say, so many twists and turns unexpectedly in our lives.

In fact, the play predicted that a woman would be killed for uncovering corruption.

Indeed, two weeks before my journalist friend was murdered, I had been sitting in a coffee bar opposite her, thinking she had every reason to live, she was so happy and vibrant.

Then she was killed by a car bomb, blown to bits. This is a country that has car bombs, shootings and corruption. Everyone knows and no one does anything about it. It appears to be the norm.

The play was ‘The Right Man for the Country is a Woman’. The only female statue in this country is of Queen Victoria, all other statues are male, not a woman to be celebrated. This was a beautiful country, now destroyed by high-rise housing, little boxes for people to live in. Buildings and cranes are now everywhere. Previously, there were unspoilt beaches, countryside, and beautiful houses. Now it is overcrowded, and housing is unaffordable, except for the rich. Hope appears to be lost for so many young people. Some unscrupulous landlords rent out garages where people live in crowded conditions.

So let's celebrate women and men who made a difference against all odds.

What music has meant a lifeline to you or changed your thoughts or beliefs. Maybe some plays or films had that effect? When I was in Japan, I had two music cassettes from home, which I played over and over., as bombarded by a totally different culture, sounds, and language that was difficult to cope with.

So post powerful life-changing music, gifs, memes, and how you felt. Post trailers or plays, memes, gifs etc. What women have made a difference in your life?

Respect all commenters, no religion and brush lightly on life changes, politics etc.

Most of all, enjoy. Your friends are here….


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Nothing Sweeter Than A Georgia Peach

Summer is here, and fruit is in abundance. Here's an easy recipe.

Scoop out a melon and fill it with the fruit of your choice. Fruits of the forest are delicious.

Cut off the skin. Top with cream. Can add buttercream to the outside if you wish and add decoration.

When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

You are the apple of my eye.

Lots of idioms about fruit.

The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was an apple. Yet an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Snow White was given a poisoned apple.

I have new neighbours, and they asked me what this fruit is. It’s growing in their garden.

I had no idea, does anyone know?

Reverse gray hair….eat blue-colored fruits. I don't have gray hair, so I don't know if it works.

Enjoy the topic of fruits. There are lots of video songs and movies about fruit.

Post memes, gifs, and chat, and most of all enjoy.

Remember, respect all commenters. Stay cool in the heatwaves.


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