Who Wants To Live Forever?

Would you like to live forever?
Personally, no…aging is not always a pleasant process.
There are Euthanasia clinics in some countries now. Perhaps a better option might be freezing.
You could be frozen and resuscitated. That’s now an expensive option, costing $200,000. Perhaps a peaceful natural demise is much better, celebrated by friends and family.

What a wonderful and inspiring singer Freddie Mercury was for Queen.

Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever

Freddie Mercury - The Great Pretender

It was Princess Diana that originally put Queen on the map. What a sad life she had in spite of beauty, privilege and wealth.
So money isnt everything.

Some people were frozen and the body went into a type of hibernation.

Irene Cara - Fame

Many of us lived through the sixties, seventies, and eighties…the best times ever.

Foreign travel opened up with cheap flight tickets, good music hit the scene, and there were great pop groups. Fashion was exciting, there was an abundance of good movies, authors, books and art. There was Elvis and The Rolling Stones.

Some of us would like to time travel back to happier times rather than to fast forward and freeze.

What are your memories of those eras?
What fashions did you follow? What were your experiences?

Easy Rider for a life changing movie.

Great experiences many would like to go back rather than forward the way things appear to be moving forward. Times were optimistic.

Snow Patrol - Chasing cars

Interest in foreign travel and cuisine

IMO enjoy as much as your life as possible, achieve great things, even creating a good atmosphere is a great achievement in an individual’s life.
Live now, live each moment. Friends and family are important.
So our theme is ‘life and living to the full’.
The best times you have had…good memories.
Veer from politics and religion. Chat with friends, encourage, post good music, memes, gifs, and trailers.

Enjoy……Lian and Kieran


Broken Hearts and Journeys


The Animals, Tattoos and Music.