That’s What Friends Are For

A friend in need is a friend indeed!
Those are the times of your life when you find out who your real friends are, the ones who don’t want to know you for what they can get out of you but because they genuinely like you and want to help you for no other reward than friendship.

Not for me, the thousands of fake friends on Facebook and the like.
Quality is definitely better than quantity, and true friends are worth their weight in gold!

Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For

Personally, I have found it much easier to talk to a friend about something that is bothering me than a family member so many times.

And also our feathered, finned or four-legged friends.
No one listens as they do!

And online friends are just as important. I have met so many great people all around the globe and am proud to call them friends.
Things certainly move quicker with social media, Disqus and email etc than it did back in the old pen friend days.

LFE is such a lovely friendly place, presided over by our own wonderful Lian, who makes friends wherever she goes!

So let’s celebrate everything about friendship with memes, gifs, music, etc, as well as our usual friendly chat. Please, no politics or religion here.
Most of all, enjoy!

Lian and Kieran


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


‘Tis The Gypsy In My Soul


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