I Read It In The Paper

Be careful your washing machine is looking over your shoulder!

It may well be true that Google and other companies are spying on you; Google emphatically denies law-breaking. However, they do perhaps appear to be intrusive in gleaning Information. They require fingerprints and facial recognition…bear in mind they are a non-governmental body.
In Europe, the GDPR require even more information to investigate any complaint about intrusion, including credit card details, utility bill, bank statement, as well as ID???? All are sensitive to an individual.

Some companies are gleaning information on the premise of tailor-made advertising. I am inundated with ads for men’s shoes, and potato chips and biscuits containing gluten??? No idea why the pressure for men’s shoes. I never ever bought men’s shoes or ever wore them.

I used to love reading the news, now I tend to skip most depressing or violent news. I used to love a real newspaper, but read on the Internet now.

Do you enjoy reading ads, or do you avoid them? Do you find they contain information that is useful? Do you actually buy those products? I don’t!!!!

My shopping basket tends to be filled with items on a weekly, repeat basis foodwise.
Even the allure of thrift stores fails to appeal these days.
I tend to shop as little as possible. I hate supermarkets that have no character.
Sadly, my friendly grocer could not compete and closed down.

I spend more time with friends, whenever possible, and chatting to my friends here.

Post memes, gifs, music, videos about news or ads.
Remember to keep off politics and religion.
Chat to friends and enjoy your time.
Comments are based on respect for others.
Most of all enjoy.

Lian and Kieran


From Sunrise To The Shadows Of Rose Colored Dusk


Lian’s Birthday Bash To Celebrate Thursday