Bring Back Humour….A Trip Down Memory Lane

What has happened to the cheerful people that I used to meet?
I seem to listen to a lot of complaining. Few seem really happy anymore.
The buses don’t run on time, they are overcrowded, the roads are up…bills are high,
Etc., etc.,

I used to watch TV programs like Allo Allo, Benny Hill, and Little Britain, occasionally. Life was fun.
Now, I see younger people tap tapping on their phones, walking along, on the bus, no interaction or socializing.

So let’s be light hearted and laugh…Some of your priceless gifs and memes are here to chuckle over.
Forget your troubles and join in, chat, post music old favorites, movies.
Most of all enjoy.

Lian and Kieran

Please stay off of politics and religion, except our beloved resident preacher.


The Animals, Tattoos and Music.


Time Of Our Lives….