Backwards, Forwards, Round and Round to Nowhereland. Where Are We Going To?

We never learn from history, we repeat the same mistakes again and again.
We recently put the clocks forward, later in the Autumn we will put them back? Summertime is better, isnt it?

Is progress moving backwards or forwards? I really do wonder with some of the crazy ideas like micro chips on humans, using poor animals to experiment on.
Certainly no respect for the pain on amimals to achieve a goal? If misused will we all suffer?

Is good music moving forwards?
Few of us here like Rap or want to listen to really modern music.
We do like to return to Rock or the Boogie, or the sixties or seventies.

We think rap and many types of modern music is backwards, yet we are reverting to the past.
Can’t beat some classical, but rarely so we listen these days.

Then in the sixties there appeared to be hidden agendas in music. Easy to spot in Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall

Norman Gunston interviews Paul McCartney 1975

Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Yet some crazies thought music was beckoning them to commit crimes, such as Charles Mansion, who believed he was resurrected as Christ and should kill.

The Beatles - Helter Skelter

I Don’t Like Mondays was inspired by a school shoot out.

There have always been hidden messages in advertising, playing on emotions!
Some political goals will never succeed and actually damage real progress.
The world appears to be less optimistic. Does money make the world go around or power?

Post gifs, memes, music that changed the world or music you like that contains messages or your favorite music genres. Or just chat with friends. Base all on respect for commenters here. Most of all have fun.

Lian and Kieran.


The only way to travel! Travel adventures


Summer Time