Animal Capers

I might add human capers too.

Pets have the capability to ground their owners and actually love us. They don’t care about how much we have in the bank. They can heal or comfort us as real friends.

I loved my collie, he thought he was human! He was more caring than any human I know.
He prided himself on being good. Unless he saw a cat, then he might chase.

My favorite animal story was ‘A lion called Christian’ and how he was introduced into the wilds of Africa. Interesting name for a lion!

A Lion Called Christian - The True Story of Christian the Lion 

Collies are exceptionally intelligent and love to learn. I think it was partly his nature and, of course, undivided attention every day.

I  know everyone here is dotty about the pets they have. There is Mr Lee, who rescued Sally Mae. Layla, who belongs to Kieran, who rescues all animals, hedgehogs and dogs, and has horses too, and cares for and rescues them. Greenwood, too, rescued her dog. Thunder, who even communicates with wild animals.

Animal antics make us laugh, and pets can be amusing. Some trained dogs even do CPR or rescue humans in tragic situations.

John Lewis Trampoline Christmas Advert

Curious Cat Leaps Onto Ceiling Fan // Cheeky Pawsome Pets

Patti Page - How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

Danny Kaye - Inchworm

I feel sorry we stuff animals into our world and very often split them from their mothers.

Not all people are kind to their animals or even their human partners.
I just read of a woman who couldn’t board a flight with her pet pooch, soshe killed him in the airport….unthinkable… cutting below…..How could anyone do such a thing?

So, the theme is animal and human antics: post music, memes, gifs, stories.


We steer from religion or politics on LFE…respect all commenters.

Lian and Kieran


Do You Flirt With Danger? / Accidents Do Happen!