Pizza the Action…Food Glorious Food.
Pizza the Action…Food glorious Food.
How often, if at all,do you eat fast food?Or do you cook everyday?I cook ever two or three days,and box meals for the next day or freeze.
Do you visit Macdonalds,its rated the most popular fast food?Do you like Kentucky chicken,Pizza,Pasta,Or sandwiches? For snacks or breakfast I like toast or fruit,especially…
Strawberris,mulberries,persimmon,or raspberries.Breakfast s usually fruit salad,after toast.
Even the smell from outside Macdonalds puts me off.And the Kentucky chicken near my house is usuallyburned to a frazzle,so no fast food for me.
For pizza my favorite flavor is 4 cheeses,or salami.But it must be Gluten free!For cheese,Ols Amsterdam or Brie are favorites ,chevre is good with honey.
In the summer i like to go to an Italian Gelateria,if not too many people,all natural ingredients,and Gluten free.
What is your favorite meal?I usually eat carrots,parsnips broccoli,roast potatoes and a small steak.
Do you have a full breakfst or cereals?Have a passion for chocolate?
Since the covid pandemic,vegetables and fruit were scarce in our shops,but beginning to come back.
But, its becoming expensive, lots of fruit and veg is imported.
Do you count calories or have a special diet?
Remember food is your poison or medicine.Is sugar or salt on your menu?Do you like raw veggies?
So lets post comments,gifs, memes, songs, favorite recipes.trailers.
No politiccs or religion please.