The World is a st
Every day a drama unfolds.
Yet, is the theater a dying art?
Many plays or movies were written about artists…..Salvador Dali was pure theatre.
Vincent Van Gogh had a sad dramatic life.
When did you last go to the theatre?
I used to go to the theatre almost every week at one time,fascinated how an actor could hold an audience in his hand.
I loved Noel Coward,Oscar Wilde,Ben Elton.
Watched stephen King Plays and Cinema.Woman in Black,Misery,Travels with my Aunt,HayFever.
Be Elton,Gasping.
Loved Ballet.
Many artists painted the theater.Toulouse La Treck,
Musicals lost their appeal except for a few.
TV and cinema took over from the theater, I no longer live in a capital city,where the theater was popular,
Yet,the theater never lost it’s appeal.As a child went to pantomines every Christmas.