Money makes the World go Around

Money Makes  the World Go Around 🌎🌍🌏

Or does it?

But Love is a many splendid thing,isn t it?❤️❤️❤️

Choose, Love or Money.Love or Money?Love or Money!

But do computers rule? can we live without computers?🙂

Every transaction is by computer,isnt it?Do we really own anything.

This world is turning digital!?

Is the love and domination of computers dangerous to relationships?

Many younger people are glued to their phones or computers,so much so

They fail to acknowledge a greeting or request.

Was life easier without computers?

We cannot turn the clocks back?

Is Digital money really a currency?

There are many people in this world without currencies.

I remember a dear friend of mine…he always stated….

Im  very fond of money….he loved money.

But Money cant buy you LOVE❤️🌹🕊or peace


Which movie? Which Song?


Halloween special