I love the sea in all its moods.

I love the sea in all its moods

I love swimming in clear blue seas and idling on white sandy beaches,clambering over rock pools,fishing in rock pools,seeing starfish and collecting shells.Building sandcastles is fun too,burying grandmother in the sand.

Watching stormy seas is exciting,or watching the sunset over a calm sea,jumping waves,or sailing.In Australia I dove for and collected shells to make necklaces and mosaics.Collected fish skeletons, and played with live stingrays,watched sea horses and strange sea life.Sharks terrify.

The sea is a way of life for me.Sometimes I sit and watch the sea,or the ships in a nearby harbor,where I read and imagine sea battles unfolding  efore me,

Margaret River WA was famous for surfers riding huge waves.

Many artists have captured the moods of the sea,or great ships.Mystery stories and adventures are woven around the sea…TheWreck of the Mary Deare,The unsinkable Titanic,Pirates of the Caribbean,The life of Pi,On the Beach.

As memes,gifs,movies,artists,paintings,pictures,stories abound,feel free to post your favorites.Most of all enjoy.

I live near the sea,but have not yet achieved a small beach house….dream.

Respect other commenters,remember no poitics or religion here.And all are welcome to contribute.



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