This is the real life,not just a famtasy
This is the real life,not just a fantasy (Queen)
There are pills for everything today,and for everything a pill.
Life has always been tough,maybe its my imagination,but it seems tougher today.
How do you spend your free time,how did you spend time during lockdown?if you were
Locked down.Many writers predicted our future or how it seems in 1984,George Orwell.
Other writers escaped into fantasy…War of the Worlds,The Time Machine.
Others wrote Science fiction or made movies like…2001 or watched series like Dr Who,or
Watched series like Starship.
Some writers were fuelled by drugs,like Lewis Caroll wrote Alice in Wonderland
Alice Liddell was a vicars daughter,she used to sit on the knee of Charles Lufwidge Dodgson/ Lewis Caroll.Not sure would have approved this.
Now Lidel is a supermarket.
People still like to escape,in music,gifs,memes,movies which you can post here.REMEMBER
NO POLITICs or RELIGIOUS comments please.
How do you escape reality?Music,Creativity,blogging,eating,drinking,Reading,taking pills,smoking,tv,video games,gambling etc.,
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