Lets get away from gloom and doom
Lets get away
From todays gloom and doom
Remember No politics here
No religious comments
Respect all posters.
I found a little sparrow in my yard,it was completely motionless!didnt move for a couple of days
I put it in a cage,but for two days, it ate nothing drank nothing didnt move.
The pharmacist donated a dropper,it still didnt eat or drink
I put it near a heater inside at night
Three days later it started to flutter,but failed to fly.
That afternoon it managed to fly onto a shed roof,then onto my head,then shoulder and looked a my face and flew away.I wondered if it would survive.wild birds are not for cages,its choice was freedom,
Early mornings I hear patter patter on my bedroom skylight,its my little sparrow,waking me up every day.
I love birds,cats dogs and animals wild or domestic.They heal us.
Very often animals show unconditional love,whatever our moods.
laughter can also heal.
So lets share stories of animals and,our pets.Lets share laughter and fun,memes trailers,music,
Animal stories.
Most of all enjoy