Dogday Afternoon.

Dogday Afternoon.

Dog Blog.

Love em or hate em,I luve em.

Dogs are A man’s best friend

Diamonds are a woman’s best friend 

I prefer dogs to diamonds,which I find too glitzy,always had dogs,but the best was a border collie.

Loved learning,carrying shopping,and very well trained,never had a leash,always two inches from my heel,and waited outside shops,he would never have moved.He also loved childrens icecream,his one weakness,stealing icecreams.

He considered himself human.

Best qualities in dogs,they are loyal,intelligent,can be great companions.

Small dogs dont really seem like dogs to me.

I’m amazed watching guide dogs stopping at crossings amd leading their owner safely across,also how enthusiastic sheep dogs are at herding and protecting.Police dogs and rescue dogs perform a service,and dogs in the army or airforce fearlessly parachute from planes.Some dogs are heros.

However,I noticed after lockdown some dogas are being carried everywhere.

If I were to choose a stone my favorite is emeralds,rubies or opals.

Remember please no politics or religious comments.

Pots,commemts,music,memes, gifs,trailers chat with friends.

Most of all enjoy Lian


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Hands up,put your hands up give me your heart gimme gimme!