Its Raining Cats,Dogs and Fish

 Its Raining Cats,Dogs,and Fish.

And the cloud Formations are....STRANGE.

Storms and Lightening displays can fascinate.

Have you experienced wild weather,storms unusual weather phenomina?

Have you seen pictures of animals or people in clouds,even angels?

I once saw a blue moon,in a torrential rain storm.I would love to see an Ice bow.

Rainbows also fascinate in sunny or rainy skies.

Post to the theme of weather phenomina,storms,rough seas,beautiful skies.

Remember please NO politics or religious comments,and respect other commenters.

No frictions!Thank you for your respect.

Post muisc,videos on the themes above,trailers memes gifs.

Enjoy Lian.


Freedom is....feeling the moment.


Truth Can be Stranger than Fiction