Anonymous becomes synonymous

 Anonymous becomes synonymous.

Lets take these objects:

A bowler hat,a bird,acloud in the sky an apple.

Bowler hats were the symbol of the middle classes.

They were made famous by Charlie Chaplin,Rene Magritte,James Bond.

Magritte encompassed them all in his quiet surrealistic paintings.

It’s raining men became fun with the song by The Weather Girls.

An Apple became the logo of the Apple computer.

We have now reached the anonymous mask as daily attire.

We all love birds,butterflies and blue skies which we all love.

Magritte 1899 to 1967.

So lets post memes,gifs songs encompassing Rene Magritte symbols,videos and music.

***Remember this discussion is not political or religious,please respect, other commenters too.

This is a break

 from the more serious dialogues of today.

Enjoy and Welcome.



ALL in ONE,One for all.


Home is where the heart is