Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Are we one another?

Have you lived before?

Can you predict the future?

Do you have premonitions?

We are one another.Is the title of a book,published by Dr.Arther Guirdham.

When I was a student i used to greet Dr Guirdham almost everyday,had I know of his thoughts and ideas,I’m sure that we could have had many interesting conversations. 

Dr Arther Guirdham was the head Psychiatrist of a large area.Over a twenty year period,he decided to research a phenomena that occurred.He had  a great many patients who had had recurring nightmares.  the strange thing was that many Unusual French names occurred time and again from patients that did not know each other.Many of his patients dreamed they were burned to death.One three year old drew knights in research the names Dr  Guirdham tracked their origin to the Pyrenees.The names were those of the Cathars who were executed by the church of Rome.He too,became convinced that he had been a priest,and had been thrown to his death over the battlements.

Could it be that we may have lived before and incorporate memories into our dreams?Human recognition is not a glitch in our brainsMany belief systems belive we have lived in the past.

As a child I dreamed I was a Roman soldier walking along a beach in full uniform.I later opened a newspaper and saw a job advertised in Rome.When I arrived the streets were ochre in bright sunshine,and I fell in love with the beautiful city.Later I went to a house in SanFelice on a beach,it all seemed familiar.

At the end of the beach I found a Roman canal and the ruin of a fort.Was this real or de ja vu?

Perhaps you have had similar experiences.

Or would even like to post memes,experiences,music,trailers on the subject.

Remember: No religious or political comments please.

Most of all enjoy the comments and resoect other people.


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