Trains and Boats and Planes

Trains and Boats and Planes


Old Fashioned Pin ups...Old time glamour.

World War Painted planes are/were works of art
Painted planes are interesting,and can have themes,

How do you prefer to travel by train,by boat,by plane?

Have you had any memorable journeys?Anecdotes.

Some boats have funny names,some are for prestige.
Barges  on waterways or canals are not only part of our history,
But an interesting way of life.Some barges are painted.

Will travel be easier or mor difficult in the future.

Post:music on Trains Boats and planes,pix on the theme,trailers for movies,
Old fashioned pin ups.

Please respect other commenters,No religionor politcal comments.

Most of all enjoy.welcome.


Sing a Sad Song,Sing a Glad Song


Is there anybody out there?