When dreams become reality..1981 and 1984.

When fiction becomes reality.
When reality becomes fiction.

Can you predict the future?
Do you dream predictive dreams?

Two great fiction writers are/ were: George Orwell and Dean Koontz.

Other writers are famous for relating nightmare situations or exciting events in fictional works....Steven King is one,John Grisham,and Ken Follet another.

The Daily Mail reported that in 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book predicting a deadly virus breaking out in Wuhan China.The Corona Virus story is unfolding before our eyes.
This Virus is crossing borders causing havoc to our way of life.we are watching airflights being cancelled,stockmarkets,falling,thousands of people falling like flies,infected by COV 19.

George Orwell predicted that governments would control peoples lives.


NB we are discussing literature rather than politics the aim of the discussion is to discuss writers,dreams and how true fiction can become.This is not a site for political or religious views,please respect that and other commenters.

There are six  types of dreams:
Normal dreams
Waking dreams
Predictive dreams
Lucid dreaming.

Ken Follet wrote about the tumbling of the Shah focusing on breaking Americans out of prison,which inspired Jimmy Carter who failed to copy the success of rescuing Americans from
Iran.Wings of Eagles was thrilling and a true story.

Ive always been a Dean Koontz fan,my favorite book was ‘The husband’ a gripping story with twists and turns.

Loved Dean Koontz for Demon Seed and many other stories.

Not without my daughter  by Betty Mahmoody.

Steven King produced some excellent stories Pet semetary and Needful things.

What dreams do you remember,do you have lucid or predictive dreams,pleasant or nightmares?
Post trailers for films,music,about books and writers that you recommend,memes .

*This site is for friends and entertainment,you are welcome here,enjoy.

Life is a ball,masks are fun.


Hell on heels