The art of Living..Living for Art.

One day at a bus stop I met an Italian girl,she asked me about the bus timetable as the bus was late.I replied in Italian that the timetable was for decoration,

The bus was so late that we had time to become friends.She was restoring a church in the capital city.
Just like Michel Angelo  she was working on the ceiling lying on a high scaffold at great height.
I had always considered this my ideal job until I saw how uncomfortable it was,under bright hot lights mid summer,scheduled breaks,and long hours.What dedication.

The video was from Skin,if you watch carefully you can watch my best friends restoration in the buildings in the video,she was Vatican trained. This restoration is in the video.

This is my kitchen,my derelict house became my canvas.

My derelict house became my canvas,again balancing on ladders for hours,but I could take breaks when needed.


Three women who made a difference.


Renovating a derelict courtyard and garden