Our Earth, What A Wonderful World
Never ceases to fascinate.
The continent of Africa is splitting and a new continent will form called the Nubian continent, but we won’t see the result in our lifetime.
One woman in Africa was eating her dinner, and her house split into two.
There are so many fascinating phenomena to see that we may never manage to.
I would love to see the pink lakes in Australia.
Although I saw many wonders in Turkey there are still places I did not know about I have since discovered. I went to Fetiye and it was one of my favorite places in Southern Turkey.
If you want to sleep under the stars, Butterfly beach is the place for you.
No electricity for the internet.
Over 100 acres of over 100 species of butterflies.
Butterfly Valley and Kabak Bay Fethiye Turkey - Best Place to Visit in Fethiye Mugla
Schiller & Kate Havnevik - Hallucinating Beauty
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Earth 101 | National Geographic
There are so many wonders to see and experience. Share your favorite places.
No politics/religion. Enjoy chatting with friends, music, videos, gifs, memes.
Lian and Kieran
Back To The Sixties
Living was good, and the money was easy. The era of excitement and money to spend.
The birth of pop music, drugs, sex and rock and roll. People had freedoms never experienced previously since the war.
It was the age of Hippie communes, music festivals, travel and hitchhiking, and wild fashion.
Pop stars vied with each other to buy stately or unusual homes. Everyone loved reading, art, fashion, and music.
Children loved Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, and Christopher Robin.
There were however dark undertones, people delved into eastern religions, and black magic.
The Stones were influenced by Anita Ekberg, an actress and model who shared her drugs backstage and sang about the black arts. ‘I see a Red door and want to paint it Black’. That was a door in Crotchford Manor, which was bought by Brian Jones. The village of Crotchford in Sussex, England housed a ring of Satanists. Crotchford Manor was originally the home of AA Milne who joined the group.
Crotchford Manor
Today, many have discarded our beloved Winnie the Pooh because of AA Milne’s interests.
Anita Pallenberg was the muse of the Stones and slept with all of them.
Brian Jones was convinced he was under a Voodoo spell after his visit to Africa, and died a mysterious death in his swimming pool in Crotchford Manor.
Jimmy Page bought a house in Scotland that had been the home of the most evil man in Britain, a spiritualist, Alistair Crowley, who wrote about fundamental darkness and magic. The house was by a loch and had been a church, and was haunted.
It mysteriously burned to the ground. Jimmy said strange things happened in that house and it was gutted by fire twice.
The Beatles and the Kinks bought huge houses in Surrey, UK and again the Beatles mentioned drugs in their music.
Eagles - Hotel California (Live)
Easy Rider - Original Trailer
The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
The Best Winnie The Pooh Quotes Of All Time
The Byrds - This Wheel’s On Fire
Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
So the theme is the sixties for music, memes, gifs, books, movies, chat with friends…enjoy.
Remember, no politics and religion.
Lian and Kieran.
Catch 22 Hospital Themes
Sometimes, you just have to laugh, but hospitals aren’t enjoyable places.
There are doctors, and there are healers.
Not all doctors heal; the same prescription is meted out to everyone. We aren’t treated as individuals, and some doctors aren’t used to anyone getting better, especially in elderly health care. I’ve beaten the odds 4 times now, with one illness deemed impossible to cure! That shook the doctors. The will to live is stronger than any medication.
There is too much reliance on certain types of medication, but some have harmful side effects that aren’t explained.
I have actually presented two petitions on hospital food. The food was terrible, and many of my friends were vomiting after meals.
Food is our Medicine or poison. Certain foods can heal. Things did change here but they requested…NO more petitions.
Some drugs are killers IMO. No hoper prescriptions.
Super glue can be used instead of stitches—yes, it’s true.
Dr Kildare seemed to start glamorizing doctors with his good looks in a tv series.
Alas, I have never ever had a crush on a good looking doctor.
One of my doctors was called Dr Urine. I burst out laughing when I walked into his surgery, he had a shock of yellow hair.
Treatment where I go appears to be a waste of time, the endless appointments are fruitless. It usually consists of…this looks bad on the ex ray come back in six months.
This scenario has lasted over the years…a waste of time: a very early rise in the morning, endless waiting and five minutes with a doc. Almost a day out of my schedule.
Some health care is based on profit, and insurance companies. Health systems appear to have reached…breaking point.
The best place to be is home, the garden, with fresh air. I recommended to a friend with Covid who has a large garden and lives by the sea, eat good food. Hospital beds are uncomfortable, sometimes no windows in wards, sharing bathrooms etc.
Napoleon XIV - They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Haaa!
M*A*S*H Season 1 Intro
Benny Hill - St. John Thomas Hospital
Dr. Kildare 1961 - 1966 Opening and Closing Theme
George Clooney’s best scene from ER
Catch-22 Trailer (Official) | Hulu
Anyway, try to laugh or relay anecdotes or experiences. Post music, memes, trailers.
Chat with friends and enjoy.
Lian and Kieran
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Old MacDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had a…chicken with a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there.
And on that farm he had a dog
With a woof woof here, and a woof woof where?
Many places are snow bound
Wait a minute…
Some politicos stopped inheritance on farm land to relatives???
Build factories?
MacDonald used to have cows, but they flew into the air emitting Methane.
Gorra light, mate?
Animals Save the Planet - farting cow
Musical Farting Cows by Woody Johnson
World's Biggest Fart - The Hippo
Billy Connolly - On a plane to Australia - Funny story
The pensioners lost their winter fuel allowance… bad news for those who live in boats!
How it snows, tiddily Pom.
Now, wait a minute…
Many countries have vast landfills and emit dangerous gases.
Number 1 is China, followed by Korea, Japan, and America.
Oh, clone cows, pick on winter fuel, pensions, and explode megaton bombs…..
Jollity Farm (Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band) Colorized
It’s a New Year, Happy New Year. Stay safe. Enjoy. Keep your environment clean.
Post songs, gifs, memes, chat with friends, enjoy humor.
Easy on politics and religion.
Lian and Kieran