Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Weather Patterns

Weather Patterns have changed across the world. The summer here was way too hot, but the last few weeks have been perfect summer days.

Canada and parts of the USA have had premature snow, out of season, turning to rain. UK has had the worst storms ever. The weather is totally unpredictable.

We never have frost, yet I remember frosty, cold, sunny mornings in the sunlight, wonderfully beautiful. Frosted window panes reflect patterns of nature, and snowflakes have patterns with six points like crystals.

I remember at college gazing out at a snowy carpark,the pattern of tyres looked like a tree.

Autumn leaves swirling in winds are fun.

What unexpected weather have you had this year? We had the hottest July ever at 48C.
Rain was predicted for Sunday yet it woke me up 2 am last night, our first rain for months.

I remember being snowed in, in a village pub, they closed the doors and we stayed most of the night. We could not be prosecuted for extending hours. LOL

So, our theme is weather patterns or unpredictable weather.
Post music, gifs, memes, videos, experiences, movie trailers.

Remember, No politics or religion, please, and respect all commenters.
Most of all enjoy.
Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

Favorite music based on a movie….

The sixties was a time when everyone read books, writers were up and coming.
Many movies were based on books, it was fun.

One of my favorite movies was Tess of the Durbervilles, it was so sad. The story was written by Thomas Hardy. The Mayor of Casterbridge was also good, and before he was mayor, he sold his wife to a sailor at a Fairground.

There were a few romantic movies and novels, like Wuthering Heights, and Lorna Doone

John Grisham wrote some exciting books.

The Blues Brothers Trailer

Lots of music and musicals reflected books at that time. It became a trend.

Trailer Pelican Brief

Raindrops are Falling on my Head….song in The Sundance Kid

The Beatles wrote paper back writer.

Then there was …Watership Down…the music was Bright Eyes…Video below.Simon and Garfunkel

So post music based on a book that reminds you of a movie, memes, gifs, movie trailers, and chat to friends …no politics, or religion please.
Respect all commenters.
Most of all enjoy.

Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Everybody Scream, It’s Halloween

Halloween is a fun time of the year, for celebrations and parties, a bit spooky.

How do you, or are you going to celebrate?
Costumes or fancy dress are fun.
How would you choose to dress? Do you play games or spook people, trick or treat?

So celebrate here with your friends.
Post music, gifs, memes, trailers, and chat with friends.
Let’s hope that we can celebrate and enjoy this year!

Remember, LFE is NOT for politics or religion. Respect all commenters, please.

Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Cool For Cats…Ten Meows, Good Food

Waiter waiter! Have you got frogs’ legs…No, I always walk like this!

Enjoy our coffee; it was fresh ground this morning!

Today’s special….no ice cream!

Free beer…..Nothing is free!

Post mewsik, memes, gifs, chat, and enjoy…..subject glorious food, funny restaurants, food, and signs.

Remember, this is not the place for politics or religion.

Enjoy Lian and Kieran. 

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