Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Born Wild.

Were you born Wild? A child of the sixties? Or were you/are you conformist?

The fifties were black and white,Then the world burst into technicolo,and i agination.

Teens ruled the world which seemed exciting,freedoms and dreams were lived.

Denim and jeans became a uniform.2023 Denim is back!Long hair became the norm.If we dont have a uniform,do we make one?

People lived the music,Tik Tok, today music appears tame in comparison.

Dreams now appear to be for wealth or power,position,what is your happiness,or dream?

Or are you content.p with life?

Do you still have a dream or an ambition?or settling for a bucket list?

Films like Easy Rider,St Trinians,broke tradition,and were fun!I threw tv out long ago,havent been to the cinema for ages,used to be an event.

The world is a different place,or has it always been a big bad dangerous world?

Films and tv were far more entertaining,than selfies,and being glued to a phone.Most  of todays movies

are about horror and fear,rather than thrillers,westerns,or historical.I love historical dramas…The Medicis,The White Queen…

Well denim is back….so lets post memes,gifs music that reflect our style,(or what our interests were).denim,leather,lace,color,or

Background,trailers and music,plus chat.

Remember No political views,or religion.Respect all our friends here.

Most of all Enjoy.🕊❤️🌹


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud



Stars Stars,Stars!

Books Books Books…..and memorable sound tracks,and music from movies.

For Movies do you like Fact or fiction best.Thrillers,Romances,Historical movies like, The Duchess.

Do you prefer the book or a movie? Which?

Hollywood used to be Glamour and Glitz.Now the Golden Globe award produce some of the worst dressed stars Ive ever seen! What a wast of money on horrible clothes.As a teen we always had a book in our hands,now we usually watch the movie.John Grisham wrote some very exciting books,Pelican Brief,The Client,The husband.Some of his books are based on fact,Fast moving thrilles.Usually the book and  movie is equal in entertainment.Movies based on true stories…Seven Years in Tibet,Emerald Forest,Shawshank Redemption,Shindlers List,Braveheart,TheTitanic.Helter Skelter…Wow,Snshine and Oranges,Or the  love of Vincent.

Some Steven King movies are good,Miser,Pet semetary.Those books were good too.Kaffkas Metamorphasis,the movie dis not do that justice.

Emerald Forest…wonderful story of a kidnapped child in the Rain Forest,a d his fathers search for him over ten years,(director John Boreman),what an adventure! Shindlers list,a great movie powerful, true story and acting.Brave Heart,somewhat romanticized became a cult movie.Ann of a Thousand days the story of Ann Bolyn.

I loved  Tess of the Durbervilles by Thomas Hardy,Polanskis best movie,captured the sadness,then his movies became commercial and a bit strange

I love classics,cant beat Casblanca,the wit,script,music,Hollywood however is throwing out movies which arent as good as they used to be,correct me if Im wrong,but Im tired of Spiderman and rather horrific violent entertainment.I coldn wach The Joker…too dark.

The Golden Globe awards were full o badly dressed stars,Movie stars used to be glamorous,Sorry but men in long sequined dresses classifed as the best dressed,look ridiculous.Where is the style and glamour of old,a few recently captured style with simplicity.Nothing can beat Marilyn for glamour,and Cat on a hot tin roofWonderful happy movie

.Wonderful actors,and humor.

We used to love going to the movies,for entertainmen like Clint Eastwoods westerns,Priscilla Queen of the desert,John Wayne,Caberet,The Sundance Kid,2001,Grisham Movies,Antony Hopkins.

There were many memorable soundtracks,like 2001,Titanic,Caberet: But I did balk at The Sound of Music on at cinemas for Seven years,it put me off musicals for a while.

So please remember No politics or religious commemts,Post your favorite movies,memorable sound tracks,music from films you loved,quips,memes,gifs.

Respect all commenters..Most of all Enjoy Have fun


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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

The fabulous sounds of the sixties and seventies

 The fabulous sounds of the sixties and seventies,was also the revolution of denim!

Mainly the revolution was music,fashion and new found freedoms,cutting class barriers,and a social revolution.Today these barriers appear stronger than ever.Freedoms are eroding.

Most revolutions dont usually replace the establishment with anything better!Governments these days have gained more control over  the last few decades,lockdowns and The covid virus brought that about.Todays youth seem somewhat resigned to their fate,at least those Ive spoken to.

But we are here to choose music and fashion of the sixties and seventies,and fashions we like or may wear.I dont see anything other than a sort of conformity and a sameness on our streets.

Fashion 2023 is choosing some retro ideas,dictating baggy jeans,hipsters,shoulder pads,fringing,Cut outs on clothes and midriffs,floral dresses, nicknamed ‘Flower Power’.With so much violence on our news, midriffs arent a practical idea.The ‘new colors for summer are…cobalt blue,and black.

I will wear as little black as possible and opt for pale blue,denim and peacock blue/ green.

Im sticking for plainer,with the sleeves cut out of my jean jackets,with inside pockets.All my clothes are recycled,as practically everything in my house.Ive noticed Thrift stores and second hand stores are becoming pricey and short of good offers these days.Many closed after the CV virus.

Rarely do I see a ‘must have’ in upmarket clothes shops.Also Antique shops are sadly closing down.Young couples are moving into small boxlike apartments with no outdoor space and choosing plain modern cheap furniture.Im still into restoration for furniture,it better value.I love the oudoors,and small yard and small garden,essential to living to be outdoors as much as possible.

Post great music,memes,gifs,fashion pics,the type of clothes that you wear or choose.

Remember politics and religion are a NO NO.Respect all commemters.


Todays fashion trends below.

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

One cat short of crazy

 One cat short of crazy.

Stop the world I want to get off!Raise your hand if you think the world is going crazy.

Life…Becomes more complicated every day.following instructions,time consuming too,and….

Living is becoming more expensive on a daily basis.Price increases,burning a hole in my pocket.

The government doesnt agree!.prices are slowly tising,according to the news,

Recently bottle machines were introduced.After few days the machine broke down.The machine breaks after a few transactions,its consistent.people are fighting to get their bottles crushed,plus  refunds!MISSION ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!What a waste of time.

Super markets are employing people who don't speak English.At the cheese counter the other day the Italian guy understood zero.I ordered my cheese in Italian.Suddenly a woman prodded my arm….Why dont you learn English?

My reply: Because I already speak it better than you do.*So much aggro around.And no- one tries to remedy whatever

Step out of the door and endless,digging of road works,huge holes to be crossed by planks,just like playing pirates,or kangaroos.Ridiculous!People are glued to their phones so much so they rush to the seats on the bus before the elderly,or bump into you,its crazy.Yet much communication is lost due to technologywhich controls,mail,our phone,our banks,and shopping plus government departments,

Even the weather is blowing hot and cold,typoons,people snowbound,high winds.power outages,cables down,lots of flooding and damage,Tell about your experiences,

Remember,no politics or religion.You are here to chat and enjoy.Post memes,music,gifs,videos,on bottles,weather,or just general craziness around.

White rabbits,and March hares.

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