Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Animal Capers

I might add human capers too.

Pets have the capability to ground their owners and actually love us. They don’t care about how much we have in the bank. They can heal or comfort us as real friends.

I loved my collie, he thought he was human! He was more caring than any human I know.
He prided himself on being good. Unless he saw a cat, then he might chase.

My favorite animal story was ‘A lion called Christian’ and how he was introduced into the wilds of Africa. Interesting name for a lion!

A Lion Called Christian - The True Story of Christian the Lion 

Collies are exceptionally intelligent and love to learn. I think it was partly his nature and, of course, undivided attention every day.

I  know everyone here is dotty about the pets they have. There is Mr Lee, who rescued Sally Mae. Layla, who belongs to Kieran, who rescues all animals, hedgehogs and dogs, and has horses too, and cares for and rescues them. Greenwood, too, rescued her dog. Thunder, who even communicates with wild animals.

Animal antics make us laugh, and pets can be amusing. Some trained dogs even do CPR or rescue humans in tragic situations.

John Lewis Trampoline Christmas Advert

Curious Cat Leaps Onto Ceiling Fan // Cheeky Pawsome Pets

Patti Page - How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

Danny Kaye - Inchworm

I feel sorry we stuff animals into our world and very often split them from their mothers.

Not all people are kind to their animals or even their human partners.
I just read of a woman who couldn’t board a flight with her pet pooch, soshe killed him in the airport….unthinkable… cutting below…..How could anyone do such a thing?

So, the theme is animal and human antics: post music, memes, gifs, stories.


We steer from religion or politics on LFE…respect all commenters.

Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Do You Flirt With Danger? / Accidents Do Happen!

Some people take huge risks, dangerous sports, builders not practising safety rules on building sites,even in my house.I hold my breathe sometimes.
People risk their lives, taking selfies…some die. Mr Lee loved dangerous sports, white water rafting for one.People scale cliffs with no safety measures, walk tight ropes, take high dives into the sea, tightrope walk between high rise buildings. Some love danger, my cousin is one and can climb almost anything. Even driving or crossing the road has its dangers.
Accidents are waiting to happen…
Have you had some near misses or bad accidents?

I was atop a ladder about 30 ft high cutting the branches of a tree. The  branch snapped and I fell backwards.
The ground underneath was concrete and I was positioned near my well.
I might be killed or a paraplegic……Help!

I remembered reading about a man whose parachute didn’t open at 130 ft. He fell into a field, got up and walked out unscathed.
He said backwards and distribute your weight, if you fall forwards you will rupture every vital organ and relax, relax, relax.
I outstretched my arms, relaxed and meditated. Flew like a bird in seemingly slow motion. Adrenalin.
Fell flat on the concrete, landing between my well and a metal table on my back. Couldnt feel a thing. Always stay down for some time. I looked at the blue sky….was I paralyzed? I wiggled my toes, so back not broken! Rolled over, got up and made a coffee, not even in shock. Noticed a few days later I had hurt my little finger.
My friends asked if the ladder was ok…of course, it was tied.
I’ve had so many lucky escapes. The doctor didn’t believe me and a great many other people. But I remembered the advice of the parachute jumper for some fifteen years. Often wondered upon the seeming miracle.

The best motorcycle jump ever!!! HD

Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild (Easy Rider) (1969)

The 30 Most Dangerous Bridges in the World

Bridge Over Troubled Water (Live at Carnegie Hall, NYC, NY - November 27, 1969 - Audio)


Claude King- Tiger Woman

Post: music, trailers, videos, memes, gifs, chat with friends.

Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Sing A Song Of Sad Young Men

The news is bad again…in fact it’s depressing.

I still religiously read the news every day. I used to enjoy my newspaper.
Then we changed to the internet. I miss the feel of news print, and I looked forward to reading the news.

Recently, I really wonder why I continue reading about unmentionable horror, talk of annihilation, cruelty to children, murders, The Oscars and Meghan's new venture in Netflix. Ugh.
And her new claim to be called Meghan Sussex…Sussex was given as a title. Her surname is Mountbatten Windsor. A title is not a family name. Buck House is horrified ( The Palace).

It’s enough to drive one to drink, but I don’t drink. Alcohol doesn’t like me, it makes me quite sick. I enjoyed pubs way back, with live music, sometimes plays, and meeting people. I do have one drink at Christmas…Bailies or a Snowball!

Then my mind wandered back to Eric Clapton…he was addicted to drink and drugs, many were in the sixties and seventies. There were lots of songs about drinking.
Eric said he should have been dead long ago. He abused drink and drugs for over twenty years. I had a crush on him and he asked me out…but I was only thirteen. I bumped into him quite a lot and we always chatted over the years. He’s happy with his family these days. But it’s a wonder he survived.

Roberta Flack - Ballad of the Sad Young Men

Morgan Wallen - You Proof

Eric Clapton - Cocaine

The Rolling Stones - Mother's Little Helper (1966)

Steve Earle - Copperhead Road 

So let’s drive ourselves to drink, musically, and songs about drinking or drugs.

I had no idea that my mother’s favorite song, Puff the Magic dragon, was about smoking dope until Thunder told me. LOL

So the theme is as above.
Music, trailers, memes, gifs, and meeting up with friends to chat.

Enjoy: Lian and Kieran

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Lian Renaud Lian Renaud

Everyone Has A Story To Tell

We all have a story to tell.
Some are happy, some are sad, some adventurous, stories can be so varied.

Starry starry night a painting by Van Gogh, a misunderstood and tortured soul, yet he produced such beautiful paintings which were part of his life.

Chris de Burgh originally wrote Lady in red for his wife, yet when Diana was ostracized it became her song.

Another tortured soul, but her secret is out. I always believed that Harry was the son of James Hewitt and now a Royal confirms that he was. There was always much speculation.

I was working in Fulham one time and needed some photocopies. James was running a business renovating houses, and I just happened to pop into his office…
My goodness, how charming he was…and I could go any time, and he did my copies for free. He was also very good-looking. He, too, was ostracized, and there is nothing like falling out with a royal.

Later, Candle in the wind became Diana’s song, originally written for Marilyn Monroe.

A day in the life of….Many interesting stories evolved in the day of the life of.
A day in the life of Solzukernitzkin was illuminating.

One of my most memorable days was when I gave a very rich lady an art lesson in my apartment, how to marble on an etching plate. Marbling is extremely messy, and it was in my bath tub, with treacle like varnish in water.
I prepared sandwiches for lunch.

That lady was meticulous at her work, and cleaned up beautifully. Not only that, she insisted on taking me to lunch.
Thank goodness…

It was one of the most expensive restaurants ever, well out of my expense bracket. The waiters fell over themselves to serve. It was a fine summer day and the restaurant doors opened into the garden. A cat wandered in.
‘Lay a place for the cat!’
The cat sat at our table, and a place was laid. A fish lunch was ordered for the kitty who had a napkin tucked into her collar. She had good table manners too.

That lady bought everything that I produced, and prided herself on choosing people who were to become very famous. I shied away from fame…too demanding.
She passed at an early age, sadly. She was a good friend.

So please find music or memes with a story to tell, and a day in your life that is memorable would be welcome. Remember not to post anything that identifies you or friends.
So chat with friends and enjoy your discussion.

Lian and Kieran

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